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Sunday, 1 August 2021

System Design VS Software Architecture

System Design Software Architecture
System Design is “how” we are building. Software Architecture is “what” we are building.

System Design System Design
Software Architecture Software Architecture

Monday, 26 July 2021

Azure Developer AZ-204 Certification

Gain the skills for Az-204 to become certified

Azure Developer Associate certification should have subject matter expertise in designing, building, testing, and maintaining cloud applications and services on Microsoft Azure.

  1. Announcing App Service Isolated More Power Scale And Ease Of Use :Announcing App Service Isolated More Power Scale And Ease Of Use
  2. Keep Credentials Out Of Code Introducing Azure Ad Managed Service Identity :Keep Credentials Out Of Code Introducing Azure Ad Managed Service Identity
  3. Lap Around Azure Redis Cache Preview :Lap Around Azure Redis Cache Preview
  4. Details App Service Windows :Details App Service Windows
  5. Azure Cosmos Db Operator Role For Role Based Access Control Rbac Is Now Available :Azure Cosmos Db Operator Role For Role Based Access Control Rbac Is Now Available
  6. Aks Ingress Basic :Aks Ingress Basic
  7. Api Management Api Management Authentication Policies :Api Management Api Management Authentication Policies
  8. Cdn :Cdn
  9. Blogs Waws Azure App Service Authentication Aad Groups :Blogs Waws Azure App Service Authentication Aad Groups
  10. Core Host And Deploy Docker Building Net Docker Images :Core Host And Deploy Docker Building Net Docker Images
  11. Core Host And Deploy Docker Building Net Docker Images :Core Host And Deploy Docker Building Net Docker Images
  12. Active Directory Authentication Howto Mfa Getstarted :Active Directory Authentication Howto Mfa Getstarted
  13. Active Directory Authentication Tutorial Enable Azure Mfa :Active Directory Authentication Tutorial Enable Azure Mfa
  14. Active Directory Conditional Access Concept Conditional Access Conditions :Active Directory Conditional Access Concept Conditional Access Conditions
  15. Active Directory Conditional Access Concept Conditional Access Grant :Active Directory Conditional Access Concept Conditional Access Grant
  16. Active Directory Develop Quickstart Register App :Active Directory Develop Quickstart Register App
  17. Active Directory Develop Scenario Daemon Acquire Token :Active Directory Develop Scenario Daemon Acquire Token
  18. Active Directory Develop Scenario Daemon App Configuration :Active Directory Develop Scenario Daemon App Configuration
  19. Active Directory Develop V2 Oauth2 Auth Code Flow :Active Directory Develop V2 Oauth2 Auth Code Flow
  20. Active Directory Hybrid How To Connect Fed Group Claims :Active Directory Hybrid How To Connect Fed Group Claims
  21. Active Directory Identity Protection Howto Identity Protection Configure Risk Policies :Active Directory Identity Protection Howto Identity Protection Configure Risk Policies
  22. Active Directory Managed Identities Azure Resources How To Use Vm Token :Active Directory Managed Identities Azure Resources How To Use Vm Token
  23. Active Directory Managed Identities Azure Resources How To Use Vm Token :Active Directory Managed Identities Azure Resources How To Use Vm Token
  24. Active Directory Managed Identities Azure Resources Qs Configure Powershell Windows Vm :Active Directory Managed Identities Azure Resources Qs Configure Powershell Windows Vm
  25. Active Directory Managed Identities Azure Resources Tutorial Windows Vm Access Arm :Active Directory Managed Identities Azure Resources Tutorial Windows Vm Access Arm
  26. Api Management Api Management Authentication Policies :Api Management Api Management Authentication Policies
  27. Api Management Api Management Caching Policies :Api Management Api Management Caching Policies
  28. Api Management Api Management Error Handling Policies :Api Management Api Management Error Handling Policies
  29. Api Management Api Management Howto Mutual Certificates For Clients :Api Management Api Management Howto Mutual Certificates For Clients
  30. Api Management Api Management Howto Policies :Api Management Api Management Howto Policies
  31. Api Management Api Management Howto Protect Backend With Aad :Api Management Api Management Howto Protect Backend With Aad
  32. Api Management Api Management Sample Cache By Key :Api Management Api Management Sample Cache By Key
  33. Api Management Api Management Transformation Policies :Api Management Api Management Transformation Policies
  34. App Service App Service Key Vault References :App Service App Service Key Vault References
  35. App Service Deploy Staging Slots :App Service Deploy Staging Slots
  36. App Service Environment Intro :App Service Environment Intro
  37. App Service Faq App Service Linux :App Service Faq App Service Linux
  38. App Service Overview Managed Identity :App Service Overview Managed Identity
  39. App Service Scripts Cli Deploy Staging Environment :App Service Scripts Cli Deploy Staging Environment
  40. App Service Tutorial Custom Container :App Service Tutorial Custom Container
  41. App Service Webjobs Create :App Service Webjobs Create
  42. Application Gateway Application Gateway Web App Overview :Application Gateway Application Gateway Web App Overview
  43. Architecture Best Practices Caching :Architecture Best Practices Caching
  44. Architecture Best Practices Caching :Architecture Best Practices Caching
  45. Architecture Patterns Publisher Subscriber :Architecture Patterns Publisher Subscriber
  46. Automation Automation Hybrid Runbook Worker :Automation Automation Hybrid Runbook Worker
  47. Azure Functions Create First Function Vs Code Other :Azure Functions Create First Function Vs Code Other
  48. Azure Functions Durable Durable Functions Http Features :Azure Functions Durable Durable Functions Http Features
  49. Azure Functions Functions Best Practices :Azure Functions Functions Best Practices
  50. Azure Functions Functions Bindings Storage Blob Trigger :Azure Functions Functions Bindings Storage Blob Trigger
  51. Azure Functions Functions Bindings Storage Blob Trigger :Azure Functions Functions Bindings Storage Blob Trigger
  52. Azure Functions Functions Bindings Storage Queue :Azure Functions Functions Bindings Storage Queue
  53. Azure Functions Functions Compare Logic Apps Ms Flow Webjobs :Azure Functions Functions Compare Logic Apps Ms Flow Webjobs
  54. Azure Functions Functions Create Storage Blob Triggered Function :Azure Functions Functions Create Storage Blob Triggered Function
  55. Azure Functions Functions Create Storage Queue Triggered Function :Azure Functions Functions Create Storage Queue Triggered Function
  56. Azure Functions Functions Scale :Azure Functions Functions Scale
  57. Azure Functions Functions Scale :Azure Functions Functions Scale
  58. Azure Functions Manage Connections :Azure Functions Manage Connections
  59. Azure Functions Run Functions From Deployment Package :Azure Functions Run Functions From Deployment Package
  60. Azure Monitor Alerts Alerts Log :Azure Monitor Alerts Alerts Log
  61. Azure Monitor Alerts Alerts Metric :Azure Monitor Alerts Alerts Metric
  62. Azure Monitor App Availability Azure Functions :Azure Monitor App Availability Azure Functions
  63. Azure Monitor App Availability Multistep :Azure Monitor App Availability Multistep
  64. Azure Monitor App Create Workspace Resource :Azure Monitor App Create Workspace Resource
  65. Azure Monitor App Custom Operations Tracking :Azure Monitor App Custom Operations Tracking
  66. Azure Monitor App Monitor Web App Availability :Azure Monitor App Monitor Web App Availability
  67. Azure Monitor App Usage Impact :Azure Monitor App Usage Impact
  68. Azure Monitor Autoscale Autoscale Get Started :Azure Monitor Autoscale Autoscale Get Started
  69. Azure Monitor Logs Get Started Queries :Azure Monitor Logs Get Started Queries
  70. Azure Monitor Logs Query Optimization :Azure Monitor Logs Query Optimization
  71. Azure Monitor Vm Vminsights Configure Workspace :Azure Monitor Vm Vminsights Configure Workspace
  72. Azure Resource Manager Templates Copy Resources :Azure Resource Manager Templates Copy Resources
  73. Azure Resource Manager Templates Export Template Portal :Azure Resource Manager Templates Export Template Portal
  74. Azure Resource Manager Templates Resource Dependency :Azure Resource Manager Templates Resource Dependency
  75. Azure Sql Database Authentication Aad Overview :Azure Sql Database Authentication Aad Overview
  76. Azure Sql Database Dynamic Data Masking Overview :Azure Sql Database Dynamic Data Masking Overview
  77. Cdn Cdn Overview :Cdn Cdn Overview
  78. Cdn Cdn Query String :Cdn Cdn Query String
  79. Connectors Connectors Native Recurrence :Connectors Connectors Native Recurrence
  80. Cosmos Db Change Feed Processor :Cosmos Db Change Feed Processor
  81. Cosmos Db Consistency Levels :Cosmos Db Consistency Levels
  82. Cosmos Db How To Choose Offer :Cosmos Db How To Choose Offer
  83. Cosmos Db How To Manage Indexing Policy :Cosmos Db How To Manage Indexing Policy
  84. Cosmos Db How To Query Container :Cosmos Db How To Query Container
  85. Cosmos Db Read Change Feed :Cosmos Db Read Change Feed
  86. Cosmos Db Sql Api Get Started :Cosmos Db Sql Api Get Started
  87. Cosmos Db Synthetic Partition Keys :Cosmos Db Synthetic Partition Keys
  88. Cosmos Db Table Storage How To Use Java :Cosmos Db Table Storage How To Use Java
  89. Dms Tutorial Mongodb Cosmos Db :Dms Tutorial Mongodb Cosmos Db
  90. Event Grid Compare Messaging Services :Event Grid Compare Messaging Services
  91. Event Grid Overview :Event Grid Overview
  92. Event Grid Security Authentication :Event Grid Security Authentication
  93. Event Grid Subscription Creation Schema :Event Grid Subscription Creation Schema
  94. Event Hubs Event Hubs Features :Event Hubs Event Hubs Features
  95. Event Hubs Event Hubs Programming Guide :Event Hubs Event Hubs Programming Guide
  96. Frontdoor Front Door Caching :Frontdoor Front Door Caching
  97. Key Vault General Soft Delete Overview :Key Vault General Soft Delete Overview
  98. Key Vault Keys Byok Specification :Key Vault Keys Byok Specification
  99. Key Vault Secrets Quick Create Net :Key Vault Secrets Quick Create Net
  100. Key Vault Secrets Tutorial Rotation Dual :Key Vault Secrets Tutorial Rotation Dual
  101. Logic Apps Create Managed Service Identity :Logic Apps Create Managed Service Identity
  102. Logic Apps Logic Apps Author Definitions :Logic Apps Logic Apps Author Definitions
  103. Logic Apps Logic Apps Control Flow Conditional Statement :Logic Apps Logic Apps Control Flow Conditional Statement
  104. Logic Apps Logic Apps Control Flow Loops :Logic Apps Logic Apps Control Flow Loops
  105. Logic Apps Logic Apps Enterprise Integration Overview :Logic Apps Logic Apps Enterprise Integration Overview
  106. Logic Apps Monitor Logic Apps Log Analytics :Logic Apps Monitor Logic Apps Log Analytics
  107. Notification Hubs Notification Hubs Push Notification Registration Management :Notification Hubs Notification Hubs Push Notification Registration Management
  108. Search Search Howto Dotnet Sdk :Search Search Howto Dotnet Sdk
  109. Service Bus Messaging Duplicate Detection :Service Bus Messaging Duplicate Detection
  110. Service Bus Messaging Service Bus Azure And Service Bus Queues Compared Contrasted :Service Bus Messaging Service Bus Azure And Service Bus Queues Compared Contrasted
  111. Service Bus Messaging Service Bus Messages Payloads :Service Bus Messaging Service Bus Messages Payloads
  112. Service Bus Messaging Service Bus Messaging Overview :Service Bus Messaging Service Bus Messaging Overview
  113. Service Bus Messaging Service Bus Quickstart Cli :Service Bus Messaging Service Bus Quickstart Cli
  114. Service Bus Messaging Topic Filters :Service Bus Messaging Topic Filters
  115. Storage Blobs Storage Blob Change Feed :Storage Blobs Storage Blob Change Feed
  116. Storage Blobs Storage Blob Event Overview :Storage Blobs Storage Blob Event Overview
  117. Storage Blobs Storage Blob Properties Metadata :Storage Blobs Storage Blob Properties Metadata
  118. Storage Blobs Storage Blob Storage Tiers :Storage Blobs Storage Blob Storage Tiers
  119. Storage Blobs Storage Blob Storage Tiers :Storage Blobs Storage Blob Storage Tiers
  120. Storage Common Storage Account Move :Storage Common Storage Account Move
  121. Storage Common Storage Account Overview :Storage Common Storage Account Overview
  122. Storage Common Storage Redundancy :Storage Common Storage Redundancy
  123. Storage Common Storage Use Azcopy Blobs Copy :Storage Common Storage Use Azcopy Blobs Copy
  124. Storage Queues Storage Dotnet How To Use Queues :Storage Queues Storage Dotnet How To Use Queues
  125. Virtual Machines Availability :Virtual Machines Availability
  126. Virtual Machines Linux Disk Encryption Cli Quickstart :Virtual Machines Linux Disk Encryption Cli Quickstart
  127. Virtual Machines Windows Capture Image Resource :Virtual Machines Windows Capture Image Resource
  128. Virtual Machines Windows Run Command :Virtual Machines Windows Run Command
  129. Azure Aks :Azure Aks
  130. Azure Appservice Plan :Azure Appservice Plan
  131. Azure Monitor Scheduled Query :Azure Monitor Scheduled Query
  132. Azure Webapp Config Container :Azure Webapp Config Container
  133. Azure Webapp Log :Azure Webapp Log
  134. Api :Api
  135. Api Azure.Cosmos.Cosmoscontainer.Createitemasync :Api Azure.Cosmos.Cosmoscontainer.Createitemasync
  136. Api Microsoft.Aspnetcore.Builder.Iapplicationbuilder :Api Microsoft.Aspnetcore.Builder.Iapplicationbuilder
  137. Api Microsoft.Azure.Search.Models.Searchparameters :Api Microsoft.Azure.Search.Models.Searchparameters
  138. Api Microsoft.Azure.Search.Models.Searchparameters.Querytype :Api Microsoft.Azure.Search.Models.Searchparameters.Querytype
  139. Api Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.Cloudblob.Abortcopy :Api Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.Cloudblob.Abortcopy
  140. Api Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.Cloudblob.Setpropertiesasync :Api Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.Cloudblob.Setpropertiesasync
  141. Api Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.Cloudblobcontainer.Acquireleaseasync :Api Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.Cloudblobcontainer.Acquireleaseasync
  142. Api Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.Cloudblobcontainer.Breakleaseasync :Api Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.Cloudblobcontainer.Breakleaseasync
  143. Api Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.Cloudblobcontainer.Getblockblobreference :Api Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.Cloudblobcontainer.Getblockblobreference
  144. Api Microsoft.Servicebus.Messaging.Queuedescription.Lockduration :Api Microsoft.Servicebus.Messaging.Queuedescription.Lockduration
  145. Architecture Serverless Azure Functions :Architecture Serverless Azure Functions
  146. Azuread Identity Access Management Concept Overview :Azuread Identity Access Management Concept Overview
  147. Sdks Create Client :Sdks Create Client
  148. Api Overview Azure Messaging Eventgrid Readme :Api Overview Azure Messaging Eventgrid Readme
  149. Module Az.Monitor New Azscheduledqueryrule :Module Az.Monitor New Azscheduledqueryrule
  150. Module Az.Resources New Azresourcegroup :Module Az.Resources New Azresourcegroup
  151. Module Az.Sql Set Azsqldatabasedatamaskingrule :Module Az.Sql Set Azsqldatabasedatamaskingrule
  152. Module Az.Websites New Azappserviceplan :Module Az.Websites New Azappserviceplan
  153. Module Az.Websites New Azwebapp :Module Az.Websites New Azwebapp
  154. Module Az.Websites New Azwebappslot :Module Az.Websites New Azwebappslot
  155. Module Azure.Storage Start Azurestorageblobcopy :Module Azure.Storage Start Azurestorageblobcopy
  156. Module Azurerm.Apimanagement New Azurermapimanagementbackendproxy :Module Azurerm.Apimanagement New Azurermapimanagementbackendproxy
  157. Module Azurerm.Keyvault New Azurermkeyvault :Module Azurerm.Keyvault New Azurermkeyvault
  158. Api Apimanagement Apimanagementrest Azure Api Management Rest Api Backend Entity :Api Apimanagement Apimanagementrest Azure Api Management Rest Api Backend Entity
  159. Api Storageservices Authorize With Azure Active Directory :Api Storageservices Authorize With Azure Active Directory
  160. Api Storageservices Define Stored Access Policy :Api Storageservices Define Stored Access Policy
  161. Api Storageservices Define Stored Access Policy :Api Storageservices Define Stored Access Policy
  162. Azure Samples App Service Msi Keyvault Dotnet Keyvault Msi Appservice Sample :Azure Samples App Service Msi Keyvault Dotnet Keyvault Msi Appservice Sample
  163. Relational Databases Security Dynamic Data Masking :Relational Databases Security Dynamic Data Masking
  164. Ssms F1 Help Connect To Server Database Engine :Ssms F1 Help Connect To Server Database Engine
  165. T Sql Statements Alter Table Transact Sql :T Sql Statements Alter Table Transact Sql
  166. Azure Virtual Machines Redeploy To New Node Windows :Azure Virtual Machines Redeploy To New Node Windows
  167. App Service Quickstart Custom Container :App Service Quickstart Custom Container
  168. Azure Monitor Metrics Alert :Azure Monitor Metrics Alert
  169. Program Mongorestore :Program Mongorestore
  170. Tree Master Policies Impersonation :Tree Master Policies Impersonation
  171. Wiki Enable Always On When Running On Dedicated App Service Plan :Wiki Enable Always On When Running On Dedicated App Service Plan
  172. Blob Master Articles Cosmos Db Manage With Cli.Md :Blob Master Articles Cosmos Db Manage With Cli.Md
  173. Blob Master Articles Sql Database Sql Database Aad Authentication Configure.Md :Blob Master Articles Sql Database Sql Database Aad Authentication Configure.Md
  174. Blob Master Articles Storage Blobs Storage Blob User Delegation Sas Create Cli.Md :Blob Master Articles Storage Blobs Storage Blob User Delegation Sas Create Cli.Md
  175. Blob Master Articles App Service Mobile App Service Mobile Windows Store Dotnet Get Started Push.Md :Blob Master Articles App Service Mobile App Service Mobile Windows Store Dotnet Get Started Push.Md
  176. Kubectl Overview :Kubectl Overview
  177. How To Send Raw Notification To Azure Notification Hub 31347901 :How To Send Raw Notification To Azure Notification Hub 31347901
  178. How To Inspect Kubernetes Networking :How To Inspect Kubernetes Networking
  179. How To Build Custom Containers Docker :How To Build Custom Containers Docker
  180. Serverless Workloads With Keda Serverless Workloads With Keda :Serverless Workloads With Keda Serverless Workloads With Keda

Additional Links

  1. An Easy Way To Bring Back Your Azure Vm With In Place Restore :An Easy Way To Bring Back Your Azure Vm With In Place Restore
  2. 29 Adding Application Logging Blob To A Azure Web App Service Using Powershell :29 Adding Application Logging Blob To A Azure Web App Service Using Powershell
  3. Logic Apps Logic Apps Enterprise Integration Metadata :Logic Apps Logic Apps Enterprise Integration Metadata
  4. Active Directory Develop Active Directory Optional Claims :Active Directory Develop Active Directory Optional Claims
  5. Active Directory Develop Authentication Vs Authorization :Active Directory Develop Authentication Vs Authorization
  6. Active Directory Develop Reference App Manifest :Active Directory Develop Reference App Manifest
  7. Active Directory Develop V2 Oauth2 On Behalf Of Flow :Active Directory Develop V2 Oauth2 On Behalf Of Flow
  8. Active Directory Managed Identities Azure Resources Overview :Active Directory Managed Identities Azure Resources Overview
  9. Api Management Api Management Access Restriction Policies :Api Management Api Management Access Restriction Policies
  10. App Service Configure Ssl Certificate :App Service Configure Ssl Certificate
  11. App Service Overview Hosting Plans :App Service Overview Hosting Plans
  12. Azure Functions Dedicated Plan :Azure Functions Dedicated Plan
  13. Azure Functions Functions Bindings Storage Blob Output :Azure Functions Functions Bindings Storage Blob Output
  14. Azure Functions Functions Monitoring :Azure Functions Functions Monitoring
  15. Azure Functions Functions Scale :Azure Functions Functions Scale
  16. Azure Monitor App Api Filtering Sampling :Azure Monitor App Api Filtering Sampling
  17. Azure Monitor App Data Model :Azure Monitor App Data Model
  18. Azure Monitor App Sampling :Azure Monitor App Sampling
  19. Cdn Cdn Dynamic Site Acceleration :Cdn Cdn Dynamic Site Acceleration
  20. Cdn Cdn Optimization Overview :Cdn Cdn Optimization Overview
  21. Container Instances Container Instances Volume Secret :Container Instances Container Instances Volume Secret
  22. Container Registry Container Registry Tutorial Quick Task :Container Registry Container Registry Tutorial Quick Task
  23. Cosmos Db Consistency Levels :Cosmos Db Consistency Levels
  24. Devops Notifications Oob Supported Event Types :Devops Notifications Oob Supported Event Types
  25. Event Grid Compare Messaging Services :Event Grid Compare Messaging Services
  26. Event Grid Event Schema :Event Grid Event Schema
  27. Event Grid Subscription Creation Schema :Event Grid Subscription Creation Schema
  28. Logic Apps Connect Virtual Network Vnet Isolated Environment Overview :Logic Apps Connect Virtual Network Vnet Isolated Environment Overview
  29. Logic Apps Create Managed Service Identity :Logic Apps Create Managed Service Identity
  30. Logic Apps Logic Apps Diagnosing Failures :Logic Apps Logic Apps Diagnosing Failures
  31. Logic Apps Logic Apps Exception Handling :Logic Apps Logic Apps Exception Handling
  32. Logic Apps Logic Apps Gateway Install :Logic Apps Logic Apps Gateway Install
  33. Service Bus Messaging Service Bus Azure And Service Bus Queues Compared Contrasted :Service Bus Messaging Service Bus Azure And Service Bus Queues Compared Contrasted
  34. Service Bus Messaging Service Bus To Event Grid Integration Concept :Service Bus Messaging Service Bus To Event Grid Integration Concept
  35. Storage Common Storage Introduction :Storage Common Storage Introduction
  36. Storage Common Storage Use Data Movement Library :Storage Common Storage Use Data Movement Library
  37. Storage Files Storage Files Monitoring :Storage Files Storage Files Monitoring
  38. Virtual Network Create Vm Accelerated Networking Cli :Virtual Network Create Vm Accelerated Networking Cli
  39. Web Application Firewall Ag Ag Overview :Web Application Firewall Ag Ag Overview
  40. Azure Eventgrid Event Subscription :Azure Eventgrid Event Subscription
  41. Azure Monitor Activity Log :Azure Monitor Activity Log
  42. Azure Monitor Metrics Alert :Azure Monitor Metrics Alert
  43. Api Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Datamovement.Directorytransfercontext :Api Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Datamovement.Directorytransfercontext
  44. Api Resources Approle :Api Resources Approle
  45. Module Azurerm.Keyvault Set Azurermkeyvaultaccesspolicy :Module Azurerm.Keyvault Set Azurermkeyvaultaccesspolicy
  46. Api Keyvault Get Secret Get Secret :Api Keyvault Get Secret Get Secret
  47. Api Storageservices Creating A Snapshot Of A Blob :Api Storageservices Creating A Snapshot Of A Blob
  48. Drivers Network Single Root I O Virtualization Sr Iov :Drivers Network Single Root I O Virtualization Sr Iov
  49. Blob Master Samples Gettingstarted Encryptionsamples Keyrotation Program.Csharp :Blob Master Samples Gettingstarted Encryptionsamples Keyrotation Program.Csharp
  50. Using Async Await With A Foreach Loop :Using Async Await With A Foreach Loop


Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Optimize your Azure costs

Manage your cloud spending and focus on what matters most to your business.

7 ways to optimize costs today

  1. Shut down unused resources -
    Identify idle virtual machines (VMs), ExpressRoute circuits, and other resources with Azure Advisor. Get recommendations on which resources to shut down, and see how much you would save.

  2. Right-size underused resources - Find underutilized resources with Azure Advisor—and get recommendations on how to reduce your spend by reconfiguring or consolidating them.

  3. Reserve instances for consistent workloads - Get a discount of up to 72 percent over pay-as-you-go pricing on Azure services when you prepay for a one- or three-year term with reservation pricing.

  4. Take advantage of the Azure Hybrid Benefit - AWS is five times more expensive than Azure for Windows and SQL Server. Save big when you migrate your on-premises workloads to Azure.

  5. Configure autoscaling - Save by dynamically allocating and de-allocating resources to match your performance needs.

  6. Set up budgets and allocate costs to teams and projects - Create and manage budgets for the Azure services you use or subscribe to—and monitor your organization’s cloud spending—with Azure Cost Management.

  7. Choose the right Azure compute service - Azure offers many ways to host your code. Operate more cost efficiently by selecting the right compute service for your application.

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Azure Services

Microsoft Compute product


Access cloud compute capacity, virtualization, and scale on demand—and only pay for the resources you use.

If you want to Use this
Provision Linux and Windows virtual machines in seconds with the configurations of your choice Virtual Machines
Achieve high availability by autoscaling to create thousands of VMs in minutes Virtual Machine Scale Sets
Get deep discounts when you provision unused compute capacity to run your workloads Azure Spot Virtual Machines
Simplify the deployment, management, and operations of Kubernetes Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Accelerate app development using an event-driven, serverless architecture Azure Functions
Develop microservices and orchestrate containers on Windows and Linux Service Fabric
Quickly create cloud apps for web and mobile with fully managed platform App Service
Containerize apps and easily run containers with a single command Container Instances
Cloud-scale job scheduling and compute management with the ability to scale to tens, hundreds, or thousands of virtual machines Batch
Create highly available, scalable cloud applications and APIs that help you focus on apps instead of hardware Cloud Services
Deploy your Azure virtual machines on a physical server only used by your organization Azure Dedicated Host

Microsoft Container services

Container services

Accelerate your containerized application development without compromising security.

If you want to Use this
Simplify the deployment, management, and operations of Kubernetes Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Quickly create powerful cloud apps for web and mobile App Service
Easily run containers on Azure without managing servers Container Instances
Cloud-scale job scheduling and compute management Batch
Develop microservices and orchestrate containers on Windows or Linux Service Fabric
Store and manage container images across all types of Azure deployments Container Registry
Run fully managed OpenShift clusters, jointly operated with Red Hat Azure Red Hat OpenShift

Microsoft Types of Databases on Azure

Databases on Azure

Fully managed, intelligent, and flexible cloud database services.

If you want to Use this
Managed, intelligent SQL in the cloud Azure SQL Database
Managed, always up-to-date SQL instance in the cloud Azure SQL Managed Instance
Migrate your SQL workloads to Azure while maintaining complete SQL Server compatibility and operating system-level access SQL Server on Virtual Machines
Build scalable, secure, and fully managed enterprise-ready apps on open-source PostgreSQL, scale out single-node PostgreSQL with high performance, or migrate PostgreSQL and Oracle workloads to the cloud Azure Database for PostgreSQL
Deliver high availability and elastic scaling to open-source mobile and web apps with a managed community MySQL database service, or migrate MySQL workloads to the cloud Azure Database for MySQL
Deliver high availability and elastic scaling to open-source mobile and web apps with a managed community MariaDB database service Azure Database for MariaDB
Build applications with guaranteed low latency and high availability anywhere, at any scale, or migrate Cassandra, MongoDB, and other NoSQL workloads to the cloud Azure Cosmos DB
Power fast, scalable applications with an open-source-compatible in-memory data store Azure Cache for Redis
Accelerate your transition to the cloud using a simple, self-guided migration process Azure Database Migration Service
Modernize existing Cassandra data clusters and apps, and enjoy flexibility and freedom with managed instance service Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra

Microsoft DevOps


Deliver innovation faster with simple, reliable tools for continuous delivery.

If you want to Use this
Services for teams to share code, track work, and ship software Azure DevOps
Create a full continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline with just a few clicks for any application in any language deployed on a variety of Azure services. Azure DevOps Projects
Automatically build, test, distribute, deploy, and monitor iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS apps—all in one place Visual Studio App Center
Set up labs for a classroom, trials, development, or testing Azure Lab Services
Get the granular, up-to-date monitoring data you need—all in one place Azure Monitor
Create cloud environments with quick setup, reusable templates, cost management, and integration with existing toolchains Azure DevTest Labs

Microsoft Developer tools

Developer tools

Build, debug, deploy, and manage cloud applications—using any platform or language.

If you want to Use this
Get all the power and capabilities you need to easily develop, debug, deploy, manage, and diagnose cloud-scale applications on Azure, using a full-featured IDE Visual Studio
Edit and debug code quickly with a lightweight code editor that runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows—streamlined for building and deploying Node.js and Java apps to the cloud—using serverless computing, containers, or managed Web Apps Visual Studio Code
Download and install language-specific SDKs and tools for your platform of choice, including .NET, Java, Node.js, Python, and Go SDKs
Access Visual Studio, Azure credits, Azure DevOps, and many other resources for creating, deploying, and managing applications. Visual Studio Subscriptions
Fast, scalable parameter storage for app configuration App Configuration

Azure Networking

Azure Networking

Connect and deliver your hybrid and cloud-native applications with low-latency, Zero Trust based networking services.


Secure network infrastructure

Build and protect your virtual network infrastructure.

If you want to Use this
Connect everything from virtual machines to incoming VPN connections Azure Virtual Network
Balance inbound and outbound connections and requests to applications Azure Load Balancer
Protect your applications from DDoS attacks Azure DDoS Protection
Native firewall capabilities with built-in high availability and zero maintenance Azure Firewall
Manage network security policy and routing centrally Azure Firewall Manager
Private and fully managed RDP and SSH access to your virtual machines Azure Bastion
Private access to services hosted on the Azure platform Azure Private Link
Route incoming traffic for better performance and availability Traffic Manager
Monitor and diagnose network issues Network Watcher

On-prem and branch connectivity

Connect your on-premises datacenter and branches to the cloud.

If you want to Use this
Add private network connectivity from your corporate network to cloud Azure ExpressRoute
Connect business offices, retail locations, and sites securely with a unified portal Azure Virtual WAN
Securely use the internet to access Azure Virtual Networks Azure VPN Gateway
Choose how your traffic routes between Azure and the Internet Routing preference

Remote work connectivity

Enable remote users to access internal resources

If you want to Use this
Securely use the internet to access Azure Virtual Networks Azure VPN Gateway
Connect business offices, retail locations, and sites securely with a unified portal Azure Virtual WAN
Protect your applications from DDoS attacks Azure DDoS Protection

5G and edge computing

Enable edge computing platforms and apps on 5G enabled devices.

If you want to Use this
Provide real-time customer experiences with ultra-low-latency edge compute Azure Edge Zones, Azure Edge Zones with carrier, Azure Private Edge Zones

Secure global app delivery

Build, secure, and deliver applications to serve a global user base.

If you want to Use this
Accelerate the delivery of high-bandwidth content to customers worldwide Azure CDN
Scalable, security-enhanced delivery point for global, microservice-based web applications Azure Front Door
Manage traffic to your web applications with a web traffic load balancer. Azure Application Gateway
Use a firewall service for web apps to help improve web app security Azure Web Application Firewall
Ensure ultra-fast DNS responses and availability for your domain needs. Azure DNS
Private access to services hosted on the Azure platform Azure Private Link
Test how networking infrastructure changes will impact performance Internet Analyzer



Massively scalable, secure cloud storage for your data, apps, and workloads.

If you want to Use this
High-performance, durable block storage for Azure Virtual Machines Azure Disk Storage
Massively scalable and secure object storage for cloud-native workloads, archives, data lakes, high-performance computing, and machine learning Azure Blob Storage
Massively scalable and secure data lake for your high-performance analytics workloads Azure Data Lake Storage
Simple, secure, and serverless enterprise-grade cloud file shares Azure Files
Enterprise file storage, powered by NetApp Azure NetApp Files
Appliances and solutions for offline data transfer to Azure​ Azure Data Box
Store unstructured data that is completely tamper-proof and can be cryptographically verified Microsoft Azure Confidential Ledger



Strengthen the security of your cloud workloads with built-in services
Protect data, apps, and infrastructure quickly with built-in security services in Azure that include unparalleled security intelligence to help identify rapidly evolving threats early—so you can respond quickly. Implement a layered, defense in-depth strategy across identity, data, hosts, and networks. Unify security management and enable advanced threat protection across hybrid cloud environments.

If you want to Use this
Unify security management and enable advanced threat protection for workloads in the cloud and on-premises Security Center
Safeguard cryptographic keys and other secrets used by cloud apps and services Key Vault
Protect your Azure resources from denial of service threats Azure DDoS Protection
Control and help secure email, documents, and sensitive data that you share outside your company Azure Information Protection
Protect your applications from common web vulnerabilities and exploits with a built-in web application firewall Application Gateway
A fully managed and unified remote attestation service to validate multiple Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) in Azure Microsoft Azure Attestation
Store unstructured data that is completely tamper-proof and can be cryptographically verified Microsoft Azure Confidential Ledger



Build powerful, intelligent web applications.

If you want to Use this
Build on a fully-managed platform to:
  • Develop and deploy web apps at any scale using .Net Core, Java, Docker, Node.js, and more.
  • Launch websites quickly, with broad CMS support from the Azure Marketplace.
  • Accelerate your feature updates using built-in CI/CD.
App Service
Accelerate the delivery of high-bandwidth content—from applications and stored content to streaming video—to customers worldwide. Content Delivery Network
  • Encode, store, and stream video and audio at scale.
  • Deliver broadcast and over-the-top (OTT) video.
  • Use media analytics to gain insights about video files.
Media Services
Implement a fully-managed search service that helps you avoid issues with index corruption, scaling, service availability, and service. Azure Cognitive Search
Add real-time functionality to your web app, such as chat room, co-authoring, live dashboard, and instant broadcasting. Azure SignalR Service
Add maps, search, routing, and current traffic conditions to your apps with geospatial services. Azure Maps
Ensure ultra-fast DNS responses and ultra-high availability for all your domain needs. Azure DNS
Optimize delivery from application server farms while increasing application security with a web application firewall. Application Gateway
Easily build real-time messaging web applications using WebSockets and the publish-subscribe pattern Azure Web PubSub

Identity and access management (IAM)

Identity and access management (IAM)

Secure access to your resources with Azure identity and access management solutions.
Protect your applications and data at the front gate with Azure identity and access management solutions. Defend against malicious login attempts and safeguard credentials with risk-based access controls, identity protection tools, and strong authentication options—without disrupting productivity.

If you want to Use this
Provide identity and access management for cloud and hybrid environments Azure Active Directory
Consumer identity and access management in the cloud Azure Active Directory External Identities
Join virtual machines in Azure to a domain without deploying domain controllers Azure Active Directory Domain Services

Integration Services

Integration Services

Seamlessly integrate applications, data, and processes for your enterprise.

If you want to Use this
Create workflows and orchestrate business processes to connect hundreds of services in the cloud and on-premises Azure Logic Apps
Connect on-premises and cloud-based applications and services to implement highly secure messaging workflows Service Bus
Publish your APIs securely for internal and external developers to use when connecting to backend systems hosted anywhere API Management
Connect supported Azure and third-party services using a fully managed event-routing service with a publish-subscribe model that simplifies event-based app development Event Grid
Simplify complex orchestration problems with an event-driven serverless compute platform Azure Functions
Visually integrate data sources to construct ETL and ELT processes and accelerate data transformation, using 90+ pre-built connectors to manage data pipelines and support enterprise workflows Azure Data Factory



A comprehensive set of solutions that turn your data into actionable insights.

If you want... Use this
Limitless analytics service with unmatched time to insight Azure Synapse Analytics
A fully managed, fast, easy and collaborative Apache® Spark™ based analytics platform optimized for Azure Azure Databricks
A fully managed cloud Hadoop and Spark service backed by 99.9% SLA for your enterprise HDInsight
A data integration service to orchestrate and automate data movement and transformation Azure Data Factory
Open and elastic AI development spanning the cloud and the edge Machine Learning
Real-time data stream processing from millions of IoT devices Azure Stream Analytics
A fully managed on-demand pay-per-job analytics service with enterprise-grade security, auditing, and support Data Lake Analytics
Enterprise grade analytics engine as a service Azure Analysis Services
A hyper-scale telemetry ingestion service that collects, transforms, and stores millions of events Event Hubs
Fast and highly scalable data exploration service Azure Data Explorer
A simple and safe service for sharing big data with external organizations Azure Data Share
End-to-end IoT analytics platform to monitor, analyze, and visualize your industrial IoT data at scale Azure Time Series Insights
A secure, high-throughput connector designed to copy select Microsoft 365 productivity datasets into your Azure tenant Microsoft Graph Data Connect

Elasticsearch - Nodes, clusters, and shards

Elastic Stack Video - Load your gun in short time.   Beginner's Crash Course to Ela...

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