string bigstring = "this is a big string"; string[] smallstrings = { "this", "yo", "is", "a", "bigger", "string", "kappa" }; Listresult = MultistringSearch(bigstring, smallstrings); foreach (bool b in result) { Console.WriteLine(b); } //Expected output: [true, false, true, true, false, true, false]
Solution 1.
public static ListMultistringSearch(string bigstring, string[] smallstrings) { List result = new List (); foreach (string smalString in smallstrings) { result.Add(isContain(smalString, bigstring)); } return result; } public static bool isContain(string smallString, string bigString) { for (int i = 0; i <= bigString.Length - smallString.Length; i++) { int j; for (j = 0; j < smallString.Length; j++) { if (bigString[i + j] != smallString[j]) { break; } } if (j == smallString.Length) { return true; } } return false; }
Solution 2:
public static bool IsContain(string smallString, string bigString) { for (int i = 0; i < bigString.Length; i++) { if (i + smallString.Length > bigString.Length) { break; } if(IsContain(smallString, bigString, i)) { return true; } } return false; } private static bool IsContain(string smallString, string bigString, int startIdx) { int leftBigidx = startIdx; int rightBigIdx = startIdx + smallString.Length - 1; int leftSmallIdx = 0; int rightSmallIdx = smallString.Length - 1; while (leftBigidx <= rightBigIdx) { if (bigString[leftBigidx] != smallString[leftSmallIdx] || bigString[rightBigIdx] != smallString[rightSmallIdx]) { return false; } leftBigidx++; rightBigIdx--; leftSmallIdx++; rightSmallIdx--; } return true; }
Test case
Test Case 1 { "bigString": "this is a big string", "smallStrings": ["this", "yo", "is", "a", "bigger", "string", "kappa"] } Test Case 2 { "bigString": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "smallStrings": ["abc", "mnopqr", "wyz", "no", "e", "tuuv"] } Test Case 3 { "bigString": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "smallStrings": ["abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "abc", "j", "mnopqr", "pqrstuvwxyz", "xyzz", "defh"] } Test Case 4 { "bigString": "hj!)!%Hj1jh8f1985n!)51", "smallStrings": ["%Hj7", "8f198", "!)5", "!)!", "!!", "jh81", "j181hf"] } Test Case 5 { "bigString": "Mary goes to the shopping center every week.", "smallStrings": ["to", "Mary", "centers", "shop", "shopping", "string", "kappa"] } Test Case 6 { "bigString": "adcb akfkw afnmc fkadn vkaca jdaf dacb cdba cbda", "smallStrings": ["abcd", "acbd", "adbc", "dabc", "cbda", "cabd", "cdab"] } Test Case 7 { "bigString": "test testing testings tests testers test-takers", "smallStrings": ["tests", "testatk", "testiing", "trsatii", "test-taker", "test"] } Test Case 8 { "bigString": "ndbajwhfawkjljkfaopwdlaawjk dawkj awjkawkfjhkawk ahjwkjad jadfljawd", "smallStrings": ["abc", "akwbc", "awbc", "abafac", "ajjfbc", "abac", "jadfl"] } Test Case 9 { "bigString": "Is this particular test going to pass or is it going to fail? That is the question.", "smallStrings": ["that", "the", "questions", "goes", "mountain", "passes", "passed", "going", "is"] } Test Case 10 { "bigString": "Everything in this test should fail.", "smallStrings": ["everything", "inn", "that", "testers", "shall", "failure"] } Test Case 11 { "bigString": "this ain't a big string", "smallStrings": ["this", "is", "yo", "a", "bigger"] } Test Case 12 { "bigString": "bbbabb", "smallStrings": ["bbabb"] }
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